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  • Writer's pictureLaura Pickens

Гулять - Как Перевести На Английский Язык

Updated: Jan 29, 2022

гулять — в русском языке у него так много значений. Это одно из любимых прошлых времен России. Это слово, которое объединяет расслабление, движение и пребывание на природе. На протяжении многих лет я обнаружил много способов, которыми мы используем слово "гулять". From Wiktionary -гулять


1. совершать прогулку; ограниченное время находиться вне помещения, на открытом воздухе ради отдыха, получения удовольствия или с иной целью, не связанной с трудовой деятельностью, работой ◆ Летом я каждый день гулял вечером. ◆ После обеда мы всей компанией отправились гулять в соседний лес.

to be not indoors and not do anything serious:

go out - I can’t stay home all weekend. I need to go out and get some fresh air. go outside - Kids! Enough iPad, go outside and play! be out - I can’t reply to your email at the moment, because I’m out. I’ll be home later. be outside - We were outside all day Saturday playing in the yard. go outdoors - Every weekend we go outdoors. Sometimes we play tennis, sometimes we go to the mountains. be outdoors - I’m only happy when I’m outdoors. Artificial lights make me depressed. spend time outside - I don’t know what I want to do, I just want to go out and spend time outside. relax outside - After work, I like to relax outside. I walk around the park and sit on a bench and feed the birds.

to move by foot

walk - My doctor says I need to walk 5 km a day to stay healthy. take a walk - You’ve been working all day. Take a break! Take a walk around the building and come back in 20 minutes. walk the dog - Every morning she takes the dog outside. She walks the dog until he’s done his business, then they come back home. go for a walk - Hey! Where are you going? I don’t know, I just need to go for a walk and clear my thoughts. What do you want to do? I don't know, let's go for a walk. No! My feet hurt. Let's sit on this bench and talk awhile. go on walks - He likes being active. In his free time he likes to go on walks. He doesn't sit at a café or in the park. walk around the park - There are a lot of families walking around the park today. stroll through the city - We like to travel. Our favorite thing to do is to stroll through the city. We find walking is the best way to see a city. You can’t see the small details when you drive by in a taxi or a bus. hike through the woods - We like to take the kids outdoors. We hike through the woods. It’s hard, but we have backpacks full of supplies and good shoes. The kids get tired, but it’s not that difficult. go on foot - There was no way for the vehicle to continue up the dirt road. The soldiers had to go on foot.

2. перен. перемещаться в разных направлениях, находиться в постоянном движении ◆ Взгляд гулял по комнате, не останавливаясь надолго ни одном предмете. ◆ На палубе теперь свободно гуляли волны; небо и море слились в один беснующийся клубок. А. Г. Лебеденко, «Восстание на «Св. Анне»»

to walk without purpose

amble - They ambled through the art gallery, slowly enjoying different pieces that caught their eye. ramble - He doesn’t have a home. He just rambles around the country on his motorcycle. bonus* My friend rambles on when she talks. She talks forever and never gets to the point. saunter - She knew everyone was watching her as she sauntered up to the bar. She walked slowly, throwing her hips side to side to give her audience a good show. mosey - The cowboy hopped off his horse and moseyed on into the saloon. wander - Not all who wander are lost. Some people just need to be free to explore their world. traipse - The girls did a photoshoot of them traipsing through the daisy fields. roam - As we get older, we need to roam from home. We want to see what’s beyond our neighborhood. gallivant - While the peasants worked and toiled, the aristocrats gallivanted through the city.

3. перен., разг. быть свободным от работы, отдыхать ◆ Праздник пришёлся на четверг, так что мы гуляем четыре дня. ◆ Я уже неделю гуляю по случаю ремонта мастерской.

to not work and have fun

go out - I can’t wait ‘til Friday when I’m off work. I’m putting on my best dress, my highest heels, and I’m going out. hang out - I like to hang out with my friends on the weekend. We usually just go to the park and do nothing. chill out - Let’s chill out at Dave’s tomorrow. He has a PlayStation and his girlfriend is gone for the weekend. go on a bar crawl - Me and the boys are going on a bar crawl. We’re going to start at the beginning of Main street and work our way to the end. There are 5 bars we want to go to before the end of the night.

4. перен., разг. находиться в бездействии, оставаться без употребления ◆ Станок гуляет целый день. ◆ Земля гуляет без обработки.

to be abandoned and without action

go - After the factory closed down, the building went for 15 years before they tore it down. be left - The school was left without a director for 2 months before they could find a replacement. remain - The construction site remained unfinished for many years.

5. перен., прост. веселиться, развлекаться, кутить, предаваться разгулу ◆ Вся деревня три дня гуляла на свадьбе

to dance and be merry

go out - After lockdown I want to go out with my friends. It's been so long since we laughed and danced together. go all out - It's my 30th birthday next week. I don't want a regular party. I want to go all out. I want to rent the best club and invite 100 people. have fun - Some friends came over last night. We had fun. We ate dinner, played a board game and chatted. party - He parties every weekend. He wakes up in the afternoon, goes out, and doesn’t come back til morning.

6. перен. находиться с кем-либо в неофициальных любовных отношениях ◆ Сначала мы с твоей мамой гуляли, а потом на свет появился ты. ◆ Она гуляла с ним задолго до свадьбы. ◆ Она рано гулять стала.

to be in a romantic relationship

go out - They’ve been going out for 2 years. When are they going to get married? date - They have been dating for a few months now. He calls her almost every day. She bought him a birthday present. She’s not sure that she wants things to get serious though. see smb - She broke up with him, when she found out her boyfriend had been seeing another girl behind her back. talk - He’s talking to a few different girls. He’s gone out with a few of them a couple of times. He doesn’t want to be in a committed relationship. be together - They’ve been together for a few weeks. go together - They’ve been going together for a few weeks.

7. разг. бодрствовать (о грудных детях) ◆ Ребёнок ночью долго гулял и не давал спать..

to not sleep

be up all night (babies) and (adults) - The baby was up all night crying because her teeth were coming in. I was up all night worried about my business.

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